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Deutschland 83


S/E Description Aired Runtime
S01 E01 Quantum Jump
East German Martin Rauch is sent to work undercover for General Edel in West Germany to obtain information of a possible US nuclear attack on East Germany.
47 minutes
S01 E02 Brave Guy
Rauch serves at security conference of the US, NATO, and West Germany, and must obtain data on a short-range nuclear attack from NATO head analyst.
45 minutes
S01 E03 Atlantic Lion
Rauch accompanies General Edel to Brussels for an NATO conference and hopes to gather secret information by seducing the secretary of one of the attending generals.
45 minutes
S01 E04 Northern Wedding
A bug Rauch placed in the NATO head analyst’s office is found and he must make sure he’s not the suspect for doing so.
49 minutes
S01 E05 Cold Fire
As his mother collapses, Rauch is sent to East Berlin immediately to donate his kidney, but must smuggle and deliver a package over the inner-German border as he goes there.
47 minutes
S01 E06 Brandy Station
Since the West German Secret Service is looking for Alex Edel, Rauch is tasked to find him.
46 minutes
S01 E07 Bold Guard
As the East German Secret Service doesn’t believe Rauch that Able Archer is only a training operation, Rauch faces a difficult decision.
45 minutes
S01 E08 Able Archer
After Rauch told General Edel that he’s a spy in the hope to stop a war, a nation-wide manhunt begins as he tries to flee back to East Germany.
46 minutes